Due to COVID-19 all our extra-curricular programs are suspended until further notice
We have been fortunate to have outside programs come on site to offer our preschoolers an opportunity to experience a variety of activities. Parents like the convenience of the onsite programs. Children like the familiarity of the building and classmates. If you would like your child to experience new activities, why not give one of these classes a try? Demo classes are offered for most so your children can get a "feel" for the class. These classes are optional, there is no obligation to join.

Ready, Set, Read (4's)
This program is currently for our enrolled
4 year old students only
Contact: Tonella Ledesma
(914) 329-9408
Click here for the registration form
This course features instruction to optimize reading readiness ability, and advancement. It will incorporate phonics, phonemic awareness, decoding, encoding, word study, sight words, vocabulary development, comprehension strategies, and fluency. The program will utilize aspects from highly regarded reading programs. The use of a variety of texts and interactive activities will assist in developing reading skills.

HappyFeet Soccer:
Innovative and Unique Soccer Program
Contact: Nan
Office: (914) 401-1720
Click here for the registration form
HappyFeet, Located in Yorktown, NY, is the most innovative age-appropriate and fun introduction to soccer skills anywhere! HappyFeet is a new & exciting mobile soccer clinic for children ages 2 - 6. Using their proven, fun "story time with a soccer ball" approach. They're committed to helping children form healthy exercise habits using the world's most popular game, soccer!
Yoga (3's & 4's)
Contact: Tonella Ledesma
(914) 329-9408
Click here for registration form
This age-appropriate course will allow your child to reap the many benefits of yoga including developing body awareness, learning how to use our bodies in a healthy way, managing stress through breathing and meditation, building concentration, improving self-regulation, and increasing confidence and self- image.
Our sessions incorporate engaging and interactive stories to encourage visualization and imagination as children learn postures to build strength and balance. Our practice also incorporates themes including gratitude, kindness, friendship, and family (among others).

Math Minds (4's)
Contact: Tonella Ledesma
(914) 329-9408
Click here for the registration form
Your child will develop your child’s knowledge and understanding of math skills and concepts for a greater awareness of number sense and the relationship between numbers. Your child will complete the course with exposure to a multitude of math content areas for success in kindergarten and beyond. Curriculum is based on the Kindergarten Common Core Math State Standards and will include lessons and activities based on the following units: Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data and Geometry.

HappyFit Olympiad:
A wonderful way
to develop your child's love of
sports & active fitness!
Contact: Nan
Office: (914) 401 - 1720
Click here for the registration form
From the creators of HappyFeet Soccer we introduce The HappyFit Olympiad. It's an innovative & unique cross-training program specifically developed for young children. HappyFit Olympiad was designed to engage preschoolers with the fun of active fitness.
It will give them an introduction to a range of wonderful sports including, but not limited to:
Hooray for Hoops Basketball
Kool Kick Kickball
Fit Kick Agility & Balance Games
Run for Fun Track & Field Events​

It Takes Skills (3's)
Contact: Tonella Ledesma
(914) 329-9408
Click here for the registration forms
This engaging, multi-disciplinary course will introduce your children to significant skills and components of learning and development. Use of literature and interactive, hands-on lessons and activities will help develop cognitive, social, creative, and fine motor skills and abilities. Concepts may include: sequencing, cause and effect, cardinality, attributes of shapes, comparing numbers, and measurement, and much more. The Handwriting Without Tears writing program will also be implemented in the course.
Epic Explorers (3's & 4's)
Contact: Tonella Ledesma
(914) 329-9408
Click here for the registration forms
This course will encourage and foster a lifelong connection to discovering nature where the primary setting for our sessions will be the outdoor grounds of Saint Gregory, weather permitting. Children will be immersed in the wonder and rich learning opportunities that begin in nature as we explore the meaning of science and the role of a scientist. Discussions and activities will foster curiosity as your children make predictions, record data and observations, use their senses to gather new knowledge, and explain their thinking. Curriculum will include elements of Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Themes may include: rocks, layers of the earth, volcanoes, weather patterns, attributes of trees and plants, marine life, life cycles, and much more.